Etiqueta 'terror'
Almas condenadas

Almas condenadas

La película es un nuevo giro de tuerca al género del terror.

Fuente: Youtube 08/06/11



Video clip extraído del esperadísimo álbum de Capaz "Ultimo cigarro". En este cortometraje Capaz demuestra sus dotes de actor en el género terror psicológico y pone imágenes a "Cava dos tumbas" uno de los 19 cortes que componen su nuevo disco. Dirigido por Gharuda. "Último cigarro" de Capaz Fernández es un disco conceptual que habla de los últimos días de un otrora famoso y mitificado artista, un ídolo de masas, un triunfador que bebió las mieles del éxito y llegó a lo más alto. Pero una vida de excesos

boatv (Youtube) 22/11/10

Into Eternity - Trailer

Into Eternity - Trailer

Coming to UK cinemas, 12th November 2010. 12th November Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants is placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes. In Finland the world's first permanent repository is being hewn out of solid rock -- a huge system of underground tunnels - that must last 100,000 years as this is how long the waste remains hazardous.

dogwoof (Youtube) 20/10/10

Into Eternity - Trailer

Into Eternity - Trailer

Coming to UK cinemas, 12th November 2010. 12th November Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants is placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes. In Finland the world's first permanent repository is being hewn out of solid rock -- a huge system of underground tunnels - that must last 100,000 years as this is how long the waste remains hazardous.

dogwoof (Youtube) 20/10/10