Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go
Music video by Maverick Sabre performing Let Me Go. (C) 2011 Mercury Records Limited "Let Me Go" out 24th July on iTunes www.mavericksabre.com www.facebook.com/mavericksabre www.twitter.com/mavericksabre

Professor Green ft. Maverick Sabre - Jungle (Official HD)
Download 'Jungle' from iTunes for 99p: http://bit.ly/97ZyKB or get the remixes and new b-side 'Coming to Get Me' too for just £2.49: http://tinyurl.com/jungleep1. 'Jungle' was voted Best Dancefloor Filler at the NME Awards 2011. Buy hit debut album Hold Me Down now from just £3.79! http://tinyurl.com/ATID3-79 "It wouldn't have been possible without Henry Scholfield, Campbell Beaton, Ashley Rowe, Daniel Kenton and everyone else who took time out and contributed to the video! For those who only know me

Professor Green Feat. Lily Allen - Just Be Good To Green
Buy Professor Green's hit debut album Hold Me Down now from just £3.79! http://tinyurl.com/ATID3-79 Become a fan of Professor Green: http://www.facebook.com/professorgreen http://www.twitter.com/professorgreen http://www.professorgreen.co.uk/sign-up iTunes Ping: http://bit.ly/aCj3Fq Music video by Professor Green Feat. Lily Allen performing Just Be Good To Green (feat. Lily Allen).
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