Average wait of 46 days to see a specialist in Menorca

Within the Balearics, the Mateu Orfila Hospital has the second longest waiting time for consultants visits, but the second shortest for operations

Maó. At the end of March 4,010 patients were on the list for a consultant’s appointment


Statistics released by IB-Salut for the first quarter of this year show that patients waiting to see a specialist in Menorca have to wait longer than those elsewhere in the archipelago, with the exception of Manacor where the average length of time spent on the waiting list is 55.39 days compared to 45.85 here. At the end of March there were 4,010 people waiting for an outpatient's appointment at the Mateu Orfila Hospital.

In the Balearic Islands as a whole there were 28,276 patients waiting for a consultants' appointment, equivalent to 27.34 per 1,000 inhabitants. The average waiting time was 36.04 days, although more than 4,000 patients had to wait for longer than 60 days.

In Menorca, 929 patients had to wait an average of 51.11 days for surgery at the Mateu Orfila Hospital. In this instance the wait is the second shortest in the Balearic community, only Formentera's hospital operating on their patients within a shorter period of time (29.39 days).

The Balearic average of 57.75 days showed a reduction of 4.78 days (7.6%) on the last quarter of 2009. In total there were 12,798 people waiting for an operation, almost 75% of whom had a wait of less than three months.