A new association is being launched this week which is described by the founder President, Colin Guanaria as "a group of individuals and businesses who have expertise and knowledge in the English market".
ABC Menorca is open to businesses and individuals of any nationality that wish to be involved in the promotion of Menorca for the British market and to participate, help and assist all local entities and authorities in promoting Menorca to enhance British tourism to the ultimate benefit of everyone on the island. The help and assistance could be simple things such as translations (for example, guidebooks such as the Camí de Cavalls guide) through to understanding how to market and promote Menorca in the U.K. where understanding the British mentality plays a major role.
A non-political organisation, ABC Menorca is officially affiliated to CAEB (the Confederation of Balearic Business Associations) and is headed by Colin Guanaria with Jake Burdess as Vice-President and Wendy Mitchell as Secretary. The aim is to make a positive contribution to the economy of the island.
The official presentation of the association will take place on Friday, 29th January at 1800 hrs. at Bodegas Binifadet in Sant Lluís followed by a cocktail for participants. Anyone interested in finding out more about ABC Menorca would be welcome at the meeting, which will be attended by local and Balearic Government representatives and politicians, and can confirm their attendance via Colin Guanaria, telephone 971 363 466 or email colin@bonninsanso.com, Jake Burdess, jake@abcmenorca.com, or Wendy Mitchell, wendy@menorcalife.net.
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