Widow denounces three-hour wait for ambulance


A widow and her family have denounced the 061 emergency service as inefficient and incompetent after having to wait for almost three hours for an ambulance to arrive at her home in Ciutadella.

Pilar Carrasco rang 061 for an ambulance at around 1400 hrs. on 7th January as her husband was unwell and having great difficulty in breathing and, backed by a nurse, informed them that he had to be taken directly to the Mateu Orfila Hospital and not via the Canal Salat in Ciutadella. The emergency service would not accept this without a consultation with the specialist which delayed matters.

The 061 centre in Palma later returned the call, accepting that the patient had to go to Maó directly but advised her that the only ambulance available had already been called out in Maó and that there would be a delay in it arriving.

After waiting an hour her brother rang the centre again and was told that a doctor would be called to the house from the Canal Salat medical centre. However, it transpires that, as the doctor was about to leave the centre, he received a call from 061 informing him that the ambulance was on its way and that there was now no need for him to visit the patient.

Half an hour later neither the ambulance nor the doctor had arrived and the patient's condition was deteriorating, so another call was made to 061 and the family were then informed that the doctor had been told not to leave the medical centre.

It was over an hour later that the ambulance arrived, manned only by a driver and a registered nurse but no doctor. Pilar Carrasco's husband was taken to Maó but died on arrival at the Mateu Orfila Hospital.

Although the widow realises that her husband was seriously ill and that there was little hope for him, she is denouncing the 061 service, which she says is in complete chaos since being transferred to Palma, so that her experience is not repeated. She is also calling on other people who have experienced problems with the service to voice their complaints.