Veselo-voznesenka (Russian Federation), 07/03/2022.- Refugees from Mariupol cross the border of Ukraine and Russia at the border crossing Veselo-Voznesenka in the Rostov region, Russia, 07 March 2022. The Interdepartmental Coordination Center for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine on 07 March reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation declare a regime of silence and from 10 am open humanitarian corridors from four cities in Ukraine - Kyiv, Kharkov, Sumy and Mariupol. Later, Kyiv refused to open the humanitarian corridors proposed by Russia. Thousands of people want to leave Mariupol, but only 500 people managed to get out of there. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in the Donbas with the aim of demilitarising and denazifying Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians. Martial law has been introduced in Ukraine, explosions are heard in many cities, including Kiev. (Abierto, Rusia, Ucrania, Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/ARKADY BUDNITSKY | ARKADY BUDNITSKY
Ucrania ha anunciado este martes la apertura de un corredor humanitario para evacuar a la población civil de Sumy, en el noreste del país, según ha informado la viceprimera ministra y ministra para la Reintegración de los Territorios Temporalmente Ocupados, Iryna Vereshchuk. «Se acordó un alto el fuego a lo largo de la ruta a partir de las 09.00 hora local (07.00)», ha indicado en un videomensaje, para añadir que el corredor estará abierto hasta las 21.00 hora local (19.00 GMT) y el trayecto se hará entre Sumy, Golubivka, Lojvitsa, Lubny y Poltava.
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