Cruise passenger numbers drop almost 50% in 3 years
Passenger numbers and cruise ship visits are forecast to fall still further in Maó in 2011, but predicted to rise in Ibiza and remain stable in Palma
Maó. Visiting cruise ships bring trade to the port’s businesses and also elswhere on the island
Maó27/12/10 0:00
In the last three years the number of passengers on cruise ships visiting Maó has dropped by almost half. In 2008 the liners brought 103,574 people to the port, a figure which dropped to 63,297 this year and which looks set to drop still further in 2011. According to information provided by the Autoridad Portuaria de Balears (the Port Authority), 68 cruise ships are expected in 2011 compared to this year's 93, a drop of 26% which follows a decrease of 17.6% between 2009 and 2010.
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