The top two teams of four in the competition held on Monday of last week were: Gemma Clews, Cameron Massey, Lewis George and Ray Massey who finished in first place with a nett score of 86 and Charlotte Leatham, Samuel Everton, Thomas Dawson and Barbara Baird who came second with 83.
Tuesday's 4 ball better ball Stableford Pairs competition was won by Gabriel Llabres and Javier Mascaro with 41 points, followed by Carlos Suarez and Baldomero Garcia with 40.
Wednesday saw the individual Stableford competitions with Categories I, II and II being won by Silverio Pons Pons, Hugh Brown and Cesar Giraldo Noriega respectively and Mª Teresa Juaneda taking the ladies' title.
The Texas Scramble for teams of four was held on Thursday and two teams finished with 46 points: Juan Carlos Iñigo Safont, Joan Enric Ventura, Tom Rankin and Tom Tanzer; and Hugh Brown, Doris Kirwan, Jack Kirwan and Samuel Everton.
Menorca Bàsquet thrashed by Barcelona
The Menorca basketball team travelled to Barcelona for their match on Sunday but failed to make much headway against the league leaders, the final score reading Regal FC Barcelona 84, Menorca Bàsquet 44.
The result leaves the local team in 13th place (out of a total of 18) in the national ACB league.
Valeriano Allés top league after away win
Menorca's top women's volleyball team, Valeriano Allés, also had an away fixture last week but came away with a resounding win (0-3) over opponents CV Caja Canarias in Las Palmas.
The Ciutadella team is now clear at the top of the Superliga and will face eighth-place CAV Murcia at home this week.
Start of the Menorca Winter Darts League
The nine teams in Division A of the Menorca Winter Darts League will play their first matches next Tuesday, with the Anchor having a bye, and finish on 29th March. With only 8 teams, Division B will not start until 23rd November and will play their final matches on 15th March.
The only rule change this year is that singles matches in Division A will be 501 and not 301.
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