Following a vote by its members, the Real Aeroclub de Mahón is to appeal against the 135,000-euro fine imposed on the club by AESA (the State Agency for Air Safety) as a result of flights carried out between 2005 and 2008 on the lookout for forest fires. The unanimous decision echoes the stance taken by the Club's President, José Luis Barrero, who is in favour of taking the matter to court in order to try to avoid the sanction, believing it to be the only way out other than "admitting that we have done something wrong and I'm not prepared to do that". Barrero stressed that the Aeroclub would have to pay the costs of the legal proceedings in which it will be represented by the Professor of Administrative Law, Antonio Jiménez Blanco.
Menorca | English pages
Aeroclub to receive 140,000 euros from Island Council
A new agreement between the two bodies will see the flying club resume firewatch duty for between eight and ten years, starting from next summer
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