How many channels are there in the British TV?
In the British TV there are 5 channels ( BBC 1; BBC 2; ITV; Channel 4; Channel 5) and the SKY TV.
What is the SKY TV?
It is a box you pay for to see more TV channels and programmes.
Do you have to pay to watch TV?
Yes, people pay about 100 pounds a year to watch TV.
What do these channels broadcast?
The BBC 1 broadcasts more news, chat shows about political things and in the afternoon more children programmes, like cartoons as Dora The Explorer and Teletubbies.
The BBC 2 broadcasts more documentaries and nature programmes.
The ITV channel is about sports and some news at night.
Channel 4 broadcasts children programmes in the morning and in the evening some news and gardening programmes.
And Channel 5 is not so popular and they broadcast music programmes and documentaries.
Which channels are the most popular?
The most popular channels are BBC 1 and ITV.
How many sport channels are there?
In the normal TV there is only the ITV channel but in the SKY TV there are some more channels that broadcast sports programmes.
What is the most popular programme or serie?
The most popular programmes that the English people watch are the soap operas like "Coronation Street". This soap opera is about the life of a neighbourhood .
What cartoons are watched in Britain?
CBBC and Cbeebles are two children channels of BBC1, and you can watch Teletubbies or Sponge Bob, for example.
Are there any kitchen programmes?
Yes, there are a few on BBC1 and BBC2. one of the most popular British cheff is Jamie Oliver, who presents a cooking programme.
Are there adverts on TV?
Yes, there are adverts in all the channels and they last about 5 or 10 minutes per hour.
Are there any Spanish series or programmes?
In England there aren't any Spanish programmes, but in Spain we can watch some American series dubbed into Spanish.
What time are the news on?
On BBC1 the news are at 6.30 in the morning and they are replayed at 9.30 and at 12.30 ,lunchtime, and at 18.00, dinner time; on ITV the news are on at 22.00.
What are the differences and similarities between the British TV and Spanish TV?
There are lots of differences, for example, In Spain you don't have to pay to watch TV; there are more adverts on TV in Spain; In Spain we watch English speaking series but in Britain there are no series from Spain; In Spain there are programmes on TV all day ,although some of these programmes are replayed at night, but in Britain TV doesn't broadcast any programme after midnight and there you can watch the news five or six times a day, whereas in Spain we have the news on three times a day.
On the one hand, there are TV programmes that are on in both countries such as X-factor, Fear-Factor, Come Dine with me, and cartoons like Sponge Bob, The Simpsons, Family Guy and Tom and Jerry.
Interview to William Baillie
In class we are working on the British TV. One of the activities we have done is an interview to our English classmate William Baillie to get to know about the differences and similarities between the Spanish TV and the British TV
Alaior02/06/10 0:00
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