Last Tuesday saw the presentation of a book on contemporary artists in Menorca, the first of its kind to be published since 1982. Produced by Grupo Editorial Comunicació 21 CB, "Menorca - Artists of Today" is a quality production with 240 pages in full colour containing some 700 photographs of artists and their work with texts in Spanish, Catalan and English. The fifty artists covered in the book are intended to be a "balanced, representative" selection of contemporary art on the island, according to Carles Marquès, director of the publishing group, and include several British artists resident on the island: Liz Spooner, Graham Byfield, Lindsay Mullen, Alfred Hutchison, Kenneth Draper and Jean Macalpine. With artistic styles ranging from landscape and portraits, to abstract and realism, the book, which is now on sale in book shops and art galleries, is a reference point for contemporary art in Menorca.
Menorca | English pages
Menorca - Artists of Today
Compilation of contemporary art on the island
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