Carme Teatre propone un viaje de sensaciones con su Sky Train
Una obra de teatro que se construye a través de la palabra, el movimiento y la imagen.

PART 2 - GENERAL LEVY Dubplate Medley for CONVICT SOUND - High Quality !!!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ConvictSoundSystem This is the Video of the second Dubplate Session 2011 with General Levy @ Inch Marlowe Studio in Mannheim!!! LEVY dun it again! Maad Artist pon maad Dubplate !!! Check dis out! .. for Dates, "free Dowload" Mixtapes or other Stuff check: WWW.CONVICTSOUND.DE www.facebook.com/ConvictSoundSystem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. für aktuelle Dates, "free Download" Mixtapes oder sonsti

Christopher Cross - Sailing (Live)
Christopher Cross about Divorce, personal change, emotions, Japanese jazzclubs Watch more videos on http://www.faceculture.com . Video Interview with the American singer-songwriter Christopher Cross. FaceCulture spoke with the singer about his latest record 'The Carlyle Session', his divorce, his mayor hit Sailing, carreer mistakes, being remembered, theme songs for a movie, musical carreer of his daughter and his first contact with an instrument. He also plays his hit song Sailing live. (26/09/2008)

Cruzo los dedos by Doble Pletina live for Blessthatdress
Amazing band from Barcelona Doble pletina performing Cruzo los dedos acoustic version for Blessthatdress in Montjuic, Barcelona. Find these clothes and more at: www.etsy.com/shop/blessthatdress

Cuba en Dos Pianos Ivón e Ivet Frontela
![Etana - People Talk [OFFICIAL HD]](https://uh.gsstatic.es/images/placeholder-preview.webp)
Etana - People Talk [OFFICIAL HD]
Preview Etana's NEW Album here: http://bit.ly/gdrq6S Etana's Official "People Talk" Music Video! Free Expressions furthers Etana's reputation as a skillful songwriter as she penned 12 of the album's 14 tracks. Her regal countenance, uncompromising messages of self-empowerment and the lyrical depth of her distinctive hit-filled catalogue offers a major challenge to the dominant perception of female artists' images and identities. With Free and Free Expressions, Etana offers revolutionary changes in popular

"Muérdeme", La Pegatina (videoclip)
Primer single del tercer disco de La Pegatina, titulado "Muérdeme" ("Xapomelön", Kasba Music 2011). Lo ha dirigido Chobichoba. Este álbum y el resto de música del grupo se puede descargar gratuitamente desde su página web: http://www.lapegatina.com .

Juan Antonio Gil (ClipMix)
JuanAntonioGil www.jagomez.com Live Concierto 29.01.2011 Manacor Spain. Bass:Humberto Glez, Perc: Francisco"Toti"Hdz, Drums: Jaume Ginard

Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas -- FALLIN' UP
Grammy Award-winning recording artist Taboo discusses the early days of the Black Eyed Peas and the dreams that kept him going through his darkest hours. Get more on Taboo at SimonandSchuster.com: http://authors.simonandschuster.com/Taboo/74530589?mcd=vd_youtube

Nena Daconte - No Te Invité A Dormir
Music video by Nena Daconte performing No Te Invité A Dormir. (C) 2010 Universal Music Spain, S.L.

Can't stop me now video directed by Megaforce. Many Thanks to the El Nino crew! Edited by Amanda James Photography by Axel Cosnefroy Set Decoration by Joffray Simon Styling by Sandra Berrebi Produced by Jules DIeng at Elnino

Deer Tick "Dirty Dishes" - SXSW Music 2010
Deer Tick originated as a John McCauley solo project in December 2004. Beginning his touring career with the help of Brendon Massei (Viking Moses), McCauley had toured extensively across the United States by the age of 19. In DIY fashion, he released three cassettes and numerous CD-Rs in this time period, and the project eventually evolved into what is now known as Deer Tick. After almost one year of continuous touring McCauley returned to Providence with a new found confidence and a number of songs includi

Miko Weaver 2010
Live guitar

Miko Weaver 2010
Live guitar

Seal - Secret (Feat. Heidi Klum) (Official Music Video)
© 2010 WMG The second video in a two part series -- Seal presents the official "Secret" video featuring Heidi Klum. "Secret" is off of the newly released Seal album Commitment: 6 available on iTunes. Download Commitment: 6 Here: http://wbr.fm/SealCommitment6

Rulo y la contrabanda - La cabecita loca
© 2010 WMG La cabecita loca

Semana de la Música 2010 - Aba Taano
Concierto del quinteto africano Aba Taano de música de canto africano, gospel, reggae, rap y mucha improvisación durante la XI. Semana de la Música de Ronda en la Real Maestranza de la localidad. http://culturarmr.com/aba-taano/

Cor de Blavets de Lluc - Creador esplèndid dels estels 1998
Cor de Blavets de Lluc - Creador esplèndid dels estels 1998

Capella Mallorquina - Pichon òme 1998
Capella Mallorquina - Pichon òme 1998 with pictures of the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca Io n'ai un ome que es pichon Pòdi ben dire, pòdi ben dire Io n'ai un ome que es pichon Pòdi ben dire, pòdi ben dire Amb un palm de tela grisa Io n'i ai fait una camisa E del reston un camiason Pòdi ben que es pichon! Catedral de Palme de Mallorca

Orchestra Simfonica de Baleares - Les Toreadores Carmen Suite No. 1 1998
Orchestra Simfonica de Baleares - Les Toreadores Carmen Suite No. 1 1998
- La casa incendiada en Maó tenía okupas que se negaron a desalojarla el mismo día
- El ‘boom’ turístico en Menorca topa con la falta de empleados y abre una competencia feroz entre las empresas
- Denuncian a un policía nacional de Maó por no atender a una mujer que hablaba en catalán
- Costas estudia reclamar a los propietarios la restitución total de las casetas de Ses Fontanelles
- Un vecino denuncia el empadronamiento por sorpresa de cinco extranjeros en su casa